Zakir Hossain1


1 PhD, Associate Professor ,  Britannia  University Bangladesh. Founder Vice Chancellor of University of Sciences and Technology Chittagong, and the Dean of Faculty of Business Administration.








Weapon; Seemingly; Mightier; Wisdom; Domination; Imperialism



Weapon is seemingly mightier than wisdom. The study contains perspectives of geo-political, economic, psycho-factors, socio-cultural and regimental mechanisms within regional boundary and outside borders. The major focus on the study are global political , economical and regimental domination and demeaning the humanity. The  macro and micro issues of all those concerns have been analyzed, examined and synthesized well to conclude the latent inter-related endowments of findings which include knowledge of material uses and productions for earthly entity which  do not exceed the ranges of powers of weapon manipulated by  humans because those intelligences and knowledge are man-made and are artificial ones. Weapon is the source of might for all gains which are madly pursued by the most world rulers who are oblivious of the future consequences do not consider rationally but barbarously enjoy devastating the civilizations in many  parts of the globe. Original senses and sources of wisdom lie beyond materialistic channels of conquer by the humans and such superior layers of wisdom are invincibly extant and pervasive throughout the multi-universes which are sparsely grasped by a few enlightened sages on earth.  It is obvious that knowledge as wisdom thought by many pedants is distorted, misinterpreted and then inspired to use it for self glory. The first world countries which are few in numbers are judged on the basis of their international interventions in many issues which are sensitive in terms of emotional and human supports and other lame excuses. 


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Pen is mightier than sword is eternally believed by generations on Earth.  Willing intention of disbelief in   true belief is constantly being volatile in these turbulent ages of hostility, violence, carnages, conflicts and grudges among the races and nations. What is true in belief is untrue in reality.  Enormous pieces of good writing containing core massages by the philanthropic writers cannot draw attention of the mass or rulers but  a mere bomb explosions,  or destructive deeds really attract   the minds of people.   This topic of the writing may not be chosen and accepted by many prescriptive readers and critics because the logic and reason follow the routine systems of knowledge in the world.  It needs to be clarified that  knowledge is much simpler in meaning as knowing some ideas form a sense of knowledge while wisdom is  based on abstract profound width of knowledge which  is involved in partly spiritual and partly earthly interaction and realization are beyond common ranges of thought and thinking capability.   Weapon in the topic is seen as all sorts of destructive means, tools, and arms, concepts of weapons developments and resources which dominate over the most innocent classes in various corners of the world.   Knowledge drives the humans to build or make weapons and ideas, it is obviously apparent to reject the concept as the topic implies negatively but the study is going to see into enormous extracts, practices, beliefs and customs that are contradictory to the salient factors of the topic.  The rise of terrorism, domination and imperialism dwarf the light of wisdom in the present era. Forces of might linking with concepts and developments of them which are capitalism, secularism, feminism, and also imperialism accelerate the conflicts and wars in the world at large.   Intelligence and knowledge are basically used for developing theories of destabilization and tensions in society.  People live in a sarcastic society as a human abode on Earth where many rulers and sub rulers are seen to hold sheer displays of power, might, domination, hypocrisy, control, whim, caprice, dictatorship and tyrants under disguises. War mongers are involved in  weapons trades, raising tensions, creating conflicts , hiring mercenaries, using assassins , selling propaganda, provoking opposite forces while world temples of wisdom or knowledge are voiceless.  The attempt of this writing must unfold the contexts replete with untold and unseen feats of vicious villains and veterans known by the society.  The present world is a world of hostility and conflicts. Many incidents that cause destructive distress including wars, battles and coups are presented here in the writing.  English poet Tennyson wrote in his poems that ’wisdom is lingering while knowledge is flourishing´ is a true statement. Though it was written in the eighteen century, the foresight of the poet was  very invincible.   The ranges of coverage  of  the writing must consider on social  and academic institutions, Military and Forces  practices,  administrative groups,  Human rights groups, UN Wings, and Business magnets who are all contribute to either constructive or destructive resources and supports.  At the same time it is valuable to see what causes pain and suffering of human society due to frail and fragile appreciation, uses for   ideals of wisdom.  The focus on smooth process and progress in this study remain challenging as there are huge variables.  However, It is multi disciplinary approaches which may harden to gain in resources accordingly.  Now the next Phase is about the literature review which is followed below.



The study commences from very micro levels issues of facts to macro level factors, they are seen in multinational contexts  starting from Bangladesh where enormous evidences or data are  available to support the study .  Bangladesh is not a country  with pace stability, social harmony and democracy. It experiences in utter mid level terroristic violence , killings and assassinations’  basing on hatred, abhorrence, grudge, and avidity for power in political positions. The avid indentation and motivation are above all matters in activities of most people in the country.  Values, ideals, religious belief are secondary though people seem to  be inclined to follow the path of gods  utterly hinge on  ignorance, hypocrisy and personal interest. The political leaders in the country are pro- feminist theory and policy, they really are not  aware of the issues very well, they follow some ones for the sake of positions. The present ruling and the last ruling party are all feminists who Prime Ministers, Parliament Speaker, Oppositions Leaders are all females with many more ministers. It is unprecedented scenarios in the whole world  because of the majority people are ignorant and uneducated, the  classes like  many Professors, Journalists, Lawyers, Judges, Police, Army, Psychologists, Teachers, Administrators are all  book warms  learnt  and memorized  hundreds of books but blind, dumb , puppets and indifferent  towards social crisis, they  never speak out  about any crimes, discriminations or real facts of problems, they   only play roles of  imitation and loyal servants of the bosses who are sometimes god fathers.  These people care about positions, power which are held by some thugs are worshiped by these professionals.  Patriotic dedication, affiliation to the national safety are showy and volatile as power and positions sway their roles are revolved around .  The highest  places  of learning in the country are like University of Dhaka , University of Chittagong, University of Rajshahi and  Jahangirnagar University , Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology  are  replete with seeds of terrors  planted and nurtured by the leaders  of the country and educational values or norms are secondary or  third options because these places  are forts / camps  of terrorists supported by a class of teachers , administrators in league with the rulers of the country to  use those students in various purposes of self interest.  Public universities face all time all sorts of violence, murders, killings, harassments created and perpetrated by the thug students under ruling party. Private universities have 10 % problems while public universities nurture 90% crimes or violence motivators and hell raisers.  Teachers are recruited basing on affiliation and supports by the top administrators of the institutions and the Political leaders.  Recent 20 persons’ killing in Gulshan, kalyanpur killings of  9 suspects as terrorists in  July 2016, Dhaka escalated worry, concerns or fear among the civil society people, they thought killing people in spots without identifying them are mysterious and those are killed as terrorists might be from other groups or races.  There 9 suspects killings in Gazipur in 10 Oct 2016  by Police again raised the concern of illegal slaying with out trials .  Laws or police do not identify real gangs , terrors raisers who are in originated in public universities which are under direct control of the ruling party and  thugs.  Ultimately   value of learning or knowledge is placed in later than in the first place.  The country rules being feminist’s policies, most leaders, administrators like Police officers, Judges, Administrators are self declared top leaders to decide many issues of their choices, though they are sometimes made to follow feminist cultures and discriminations against males or boys.  Islamic preachers, scholars, and politicians are slain by forces in the names of terrorists.  Pack of feminists have been ruling  over the land with intelligences of cosmetics and lipsticks for last 30 years. Gigolos and eunuchs are surrounding them who are demeaning the gravity of learning and the learned by using forces and mercenaries.  Real leaders are lacking at all levels of administrations because hierarchy is displaced on the basis dictatorial decisions.    Crooked leaders literally believe that education is the   back bone of  a  nation , but in practice  might is right policy is prevailing over common mass of the country .  There are  many instances in  educational institutions where Heads / Principals, Vice Chancellors are  harassed, beaten, tortured, and killed  by  so called students belonging political parties and wings like Jubo League, Chatra League, and in the time of last political duration was Jobo Dal means Youth Group with the hints of the top leaders.

In the name of terrors supporters many teachers or academicians as propaganda are accused of and retained in the jails for periods without trials , these happen due to their  simple supports for opposition party or fair voices . After the attack in Dhaka at a Restaurant, July 2016  by the students of North South University . The Pro Vice Chancellor and Professor of NU  was a son of  a leader of Jamate Islami who was hanged by the present ruling party is again a victim to the situation being a son of that leader was arrested . It was also wrong motive to harass high profiled person like him.  Cultures of violence, anarchy or terrorism are not bound within the country which is dispersed around the globe. The leaders or policies fail to show the real learning values, the young students and then they are adult become victims to their future careers leading a life of utter destruction.  It appears that political practices in institutions by the students are the core foundation of crimes and violence while education bases are being diminished and artificial awards or rewards are offered to them who are under these circumstances.  Other issues of social identity of teachers seem to be very frail and cheap. Teachers are not counted as a good or powerful profession which is hated and disregarded by people at large. Teachers are not invited to any high platforms for comments or predictions of happenings while ill educated or half educated politicians are highly respected by the medias and press to present cheap rated routine talks by the politicians. In comparisons of teachers positions with the police or similar positions of low or equal  posts , police are highly respected and valued by people. Those who are security or forces to keep the society and people safe , they are more valued than the owners of the country or property or lands.  Teachers of private institutions are poorly paid and police or arms holders or positions holders are paid much higher and channeled to be paid more by means of bribes.   Bangladesh is a developing third world country of which  80%  strive to survive having three square meals not regularly.  A country where 80% parts of it have no good infrastructures like roads,  low living quality, electricity lacks, gas lack, no job prospects, no security supports,  homeless people sleep on streets,  children stroll around like orphans without shelters, streets with dustbins, stints spread around, people living on the edges of the streets like nests of birds or  pigs  sty, eating living and defecating together in a small corner of buildings are real scenarios   except  a few cities have some facilities but the government or leaders  of the country have day dreams and receive ample praises from their hired well-wishers with big big awards of championships. A poor country like this boasts of buying Torpedo, wars ships, wars planes,  high budgets for Army , Navy, Air forces,  Police / RAB for luxurious life styles  command not only ridiculous look but hatreds towards those are behind the  weird  plans and actions.  Promotion for knowledge or educations for all or peace establishments’ projects are void. Inclinations and motivations for war fares are dominating very much over the issues of social and administrative plans. Whenever the actions on educational or political or economical matters rise , decisions on female participations in sections are prioritized to be focused and implemented, no one dares going against the trend of women empowerments or equal rights which are not really equal anymore. The country faces utter imbalances between right and wrong, truth and falsehood, which are recognized as power, position and dynasty identities  basing on  might is right theory.

Two adverse sides of crimes and terrorism are originated in different directions of forces. One side is  state  made forces and other side is self made forces. The discussion is written above is men made forces of terrorism.  On the contrary self made terrorism is created by those who are victims of injustice, discrimination, tortures, suppression and oppression imposed by the other mighty side who has already made a class of youth and young men terrorists  in institutions.  However, this category is more than the former one.  Many innocent young people and many who are attached to opposition parties are continuously haunted, arrested, tortured and fired in cross pretexts.  These people whose friends, relatives and even themselves are transformed as terrorists to avenge the oppression undergone by them before or at present.   During last 8 years from 2008 to 2016 nearly 20000 people were assassinated, killed and abducted in situations of political claims of terrorism, conspiracy, incitements, and being affiliated to opposition parties. Every day people are killed in the name of cross fire.  Nearly 6 million people were arrested for various reasons but mainly falsified cases of political wrath to destroy the opposition.   Courts and forces have been a place of business for cases. Arrest case, or convicts cases offer continuous earning for courts and police stations. Judges, polices and lawyers  numbers as professions are multiplied thrice due to demands of falsified cases of which 40% are women claimed cases, 50% are political cases and 10% are other cases.  The nation runs on the basis of power and lie practices.  Human rights groups, peace groups, democratic parties are silent and observers due to fear, favor, and opportunistic stances.  Many TV channels and press were shut down by the threats of arms and voices of consciences or scruples are silenced. Human cries are not sounded. Learned Voices for writings are suffocated.  Religious norms for life guides are distorted.  Real wise men stroll around the streets while laymen rule over the land are the consequences of the theory- weapon is mightier than wisdom.  Thus the whole victim class of nation stands still except hoping for appearance of an epic leader for salvation of this nation from the grip of a devilish sorceress of pandemonium.  The victory of falsehood over the conquer of wisdom prevails over and transiently looms large.   The country has been a State of policy state which is absolutely banking on police rules, policy, orders, systems and  resources of arms and their uses to control over the people of all walks of life.  The ways of administering the country rules by the police authority and forces are  symbols of  dictatorship and tyranny  which must not last long . The end of the regime is inevitable.

The international perspectives of the uses for weapons mean power, might, arms for controlling people are not frail . The values for learning, consideration on humanity, appreciation of innocence at a level of general patterns are alright but beyond certain marks of own lines , the issues of consideration  run insane.  The writing covers wide ranges of races, colors, ethnicity and classes for defending the heading . The global contexts under the subject matter include the wars between the nations like Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Libya, Sudan, Yemen and some other torn parts of the countries in South America and Africa.  These  nations under certain control over all concerns only of struggle for survivals which are shown to all people in the world.  The opposite rivals who are products of  the mightier nations like USA, UK,  Australia, France and Canada with their tails  remain cryptic in the plots of all  massive  catastrophes are being manipulated since 2000.  The human conscience, rationality and reason are equalized with those of brutes or primates in the distant past like 1000 years ago.  Might was right and displayed to everywhere. The light of learning appeared to be dim and lingering but after thousands of years the human planet discovered the peak of wisdom with its utility for mankind that seems to be blessed with the mercy of almighty- God.  The highest place of learning on earth are no other than the Institutions like Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard universities are glaring examples of  human achievements which are the results of thousands of scholars, erudite sages  and their  sacrifices for developments of humanity  in the past .   The present is  not as candid as the past ,  the days in the present are  very  turbulent, chaotic, and  restive . The products of the Institutions are polemic, many professionals who have brands of these places are remarkably quoted as George W Bush of former US President, Tony Blair as Prime Minister of the UK and their followers who are more or less affiliated to these leaders’ parties are unforgotten in the history of the world as not like philanthropic beings but destroyers of peace and stability of the human society.  These Institutions and many others like these are entangled with establishing foundations of imperialism which in many instances, creates deep rooted hatred and wars at large between the East and the West, between the black and white, between the men and women,  between the poor and the rich .  The philosophy and vision of these Institutions have created Salvation Army for their lands and occupying others is the   theory. Whatever the cost and cause are secondary or additional considerations. The certified learned scholars who train people coming from around the globe do not regret for a bit what is hell made in that part of the world. They could influence those are involved in the savagery to diminish the gravity and degree of casualty or saving mission of threats. Moreover these places of institutions add further programs of affiliation for enhancements of imperial training or faculty.  There are no signs of promoting trodden class or their rights held by those institutions. Though there are some are being supported are only for women. There is no excuse reasonably or rationally stands for creating contexts of wars which cause perishing millions of innocent people in the Middle East and other parts of the world. The western civilization and its  all prides of achievements have been void whatever the cause  or costs borne by them. The statements expressed by Tony Blair in July 2016 in CNN / BBC was apparent that the intelligence report that indicated the presence of weapon of mass destruction in Iraq   were flawed and misguided. He apologized for what the present situations are consequences and impacts in not only Iraq but many more 10 countries are involved in wars which destabilize the world peace. The apology for such devastating massacres has no room. The consequences await them who are behind the mass murders.  Almost 5 million were killed and destroyed in the last 15 years and many more thousands were crippled in the wars of Middle East.   The sympathy for children, women and elderly are forgotten by the right groups in those places of hell. Those groups originally are busy with nothing accepts provoking issues of females rights in the peaceful lands in other countries. USA allies attacks on civilians in Allepo in Syria were  not reported by the Western Medias in 30 /07/2016 . Civilians mean rivals groups were allowed to surrender their weapons or accept the amnesty by the govt but a few people spoke about the govt attacks on them which were minted and falsified shown on Medias.  Incessant attacks, assassinations, suicides bombers in the regions get on, the allied forces bombing in July 2016 killed 100 civilians in Syria, 250 were killed in Iraq, 80 people killed in Kabul in the same month, Turkey flopped coup killed nearly 300 and hundreds were injured. Turkey president crack downed thousands of academicians, judges, civil society personnel, officers from business centers and Forces. The whole episode in Turkey was a conspiracy by the elements of the same one and its wings as thought by some experts. The consideration on such tortures or suppression by the Govt was based on brutality and greed for power to rule the country for more more years.  All NATO members shared the same crimes of war crimes with the Western members like USA, UK  and France  mainly  in the world at large. The consequences for their past and present actions of wars are gradually exposed. The carnages cultures have been originated, initiated, and motivated by the Western massive aggressions on the Middle East and elsewhere in the world.  War motives in some nations are very prone and pervasive. It is very noticeable that the USA, UK, France are leaders in provoking and inciting conflicts around the globe. These wars nations cherish War tendency to destroy North Korean at the end  are apparent in league with South and Japan. Showing off might and   nuclear weapons possessed by the some nations are deadly and horrific which exceeded the states of the primitive ages. There are no much differences between the civilized and uncivilized nations among those who are belligerent.  The scholars society, academicians, journalists, Rights groups are blind to those who are tails of the main body and they are meaningless to those who suffer and sacrifice for lives in wars without any rational causes except ego, grudge, insolence, and domination.   Wisdom or knowledge of people in a society which represents  as  human values, rationality and sympathy, scruples are  utterly trodden by  the  allegorical figures of  villains like demons  in Mythological episodes.

The human sufferings, tortures, oppressions and agony or pangs , pain in those wars exceed those crisis in the movies of  the world wars.  Replacements of millions of women, children and elderly from the war torn lands cause enormous pains, troubles to those are hapless. One question was asked to nearly 1000 people of all professions and occupations in different regions, the question – How do you justify the wars in Middle East and elsewhere? Many different answers are delivered such as Might is right, whim is rule, orgy for blood, bestiality is relieved, greed for lands, craze for power,  testing might, wrath exposure, looting wealth, business of weapons, insane democracy, women whim, forced leadership, dictatorship, own services, arms races, damn wrong prey, not very clear of the mystery, these puzzles, naked imperial aggression. However, all these phrases signify as might is right.  The silences of human rights groups, peace groups and democracy groups surprise the common mass in nations for being parts of those who are players in the plots.  Modern civilization is at stake,  weapons reigns over every  motives in the humans, who are newly motivated with the intention on the same motives of savagery.  A class of leaders in the world politics are intoxicated with the craze for power, domination and position to be grasped by any means . Their human faculties look to  fade and dry up, they boast of possession of their weapons or might as  if they live  for thousand years are  oblivious of their short span of time for life.  Those people cannot imagine the next day with emptiness at their hands.  Feminism, secularism and imperialism are very artificially maneuvered to replace the truth of creation and its natural routes which can never be destroyed by any human power, if someone tries that would be sheer defiance and insanity. The normal natural demands on social activities of business or economics must be balanced to curb the wildness of those aggressive abnormal traits of behavior.  The society has reached its peak of professional success, but the output of those successes should not be interpreted in values of measuring status and power. The attitudes of the present leaders in many nations are exposed to the opulence of weapons possession. Belligerent nations including France, UK, USA, and  Israel with their followers heavily engaged in raising tensions and conflicts in many parts of the world. After so many wars and devastations of countries in mainly Middle East and dragging violent social contexts of American society, Hillary Clinton has still shown her voice and tendency of war and conflict motives spoken in her campaign in Florida Int University on 25 /07/2016. Surrounded by students who are made the same violent future leaders, she pointed out the Russian and Chinese interferences in their respective vicinities. They obviously must protect their lands and future plots of threats by any means.  Hillary incited, provoked the mass or boys to elect her as President.  She promotes females rights and policies but she did nothings in those war stricken countries where millions of children and women died , slain, tortured.  The wars in the Middle East are partly based on new feminists’ thirsts  for power and freedoms of vagina as they claim that the regimes in those countries suppress and oppress women rights and liberty. They marched with imperial forces and persuaded to wage wars and they did. The sexist uses of language by the First Lady Mrs Obama proved the future of America and the world countries where feminist polices, rules and laws would be in favor of females and   also promotions of prostitutions, brothels, lesbians pose to spread throughout worldwide. Her observance on  11th Oct  as Girls day- we will rise,  is not very dissimilar to  other sorts of the female promotions.

The human societies experience in utter forms of injustices because one group of Westernizers and womanizers heavily engage themselves to polarize the society of women rules and laws while the most men are indifferent, negligent and blind to those policies and rules of feminisms which drive the races and their male generations to being  sufferers and  imperiled.   The decadences or degenerations in the country and affiliated States are destroying the peace and moreover the future of Hillary rules would produce more waste lands and  Hillary’s plans are to be in hell of wars . Many countries must be fraught with social violence and modern eunuchs would run the world.    In the names of peoples’ will , the leaders in those Western countries invaded on puny States.   Hillary’s  promises  as change maker, integrator, convergent are lost promises as seen in the past days of administration of Democratic party who could do nothing has been proved and shown. Change maker might be as changes in more fake hopes of peace, equality or over opportunity for women, offering all bad plans on foreign nations to promote rampant feminism, aggressions on puny states, hollow and shallow  talks about  helping for restoring Middle east peace.  Those western nations having nuclear weapons naturally take pride and show pushy manners, other nations growing with the facilities of weapons like Pakistan, India, Iran, South Korea, Israel , North Korea, Japan instantly react to any threats evinced by other rivals. These nations being pampered and nurtured by those respective Ist row nations prioritize the races for wars in regions.  Pushy behavior of Israel towards Palestine nation has been above all human consideration. To deviate the attention and involvements of Russia in Syria, USA plotted coup in Ukraine and toppled the Prime Minister who is pro Russian and engaged them in wars between Russia and Ukraine.  Israel being actively supported by the UK, USA, raise hells in the regions for century. No world leaders except some like Russia, China, and Germany show some concern. The show talks by US and UK are held always to convince the world as they try for peace.  Libya was capriciously invaded by the USA forces in league with the internal elements of forces funded and supported by USA.   Libyan Prime Minister expressed a deep concern in Arab League summit held in Morocco on 25 /07/2016. He stressed on foreign interventions and presences which invited more conflicts and battles regionally.

Influx of arms and migrants from the African countries burdened the nation with neighboring countries. Yemen is limping with its wound inflicted by wars and conflicts. Women who became widow due their husbands deaths in wars dragging suffocating burden of children to feed them who are at the point of famine and decease. No God father who waged wars heed to any cries but they are worshipped by a class of people showed to medias.   Ukraine and some other Eastern regions are shattered by the intelligence resources of arms and their leaders of the West.  Philippine present Leader is involved in suppressing the rivals Communist group and oppressions and killings were reported in the medias.  South China Sea as claimed by China from the earliest time has been a place of conflict between China and Philippines backed by USA and its Allies (NATO) .  South Korea is deeply motivated and influenced by the gimmicks of own safety made by USA always in the moods of invading North Korea which is saved and supported by China.  India and Pakistan are at loggers head who are at the point of attacking each other due to incitements and provocations pushed by USA and UK.  Sudan is in a worse chaos, though it was assured by the Western countries to settle the conflicts and problems but they messed up the internal security and orders.  Central African Republic is in violence and chaos. Exodus of Roheingas from Burma and influx into Bangladesh is not  normal state happening in 09/2017. The world leaders  connive at the situations and the leader, Auun Su being a puppet at the hands of others could do nothing as a female leader who is used by the powerful male leaders to gain  in own interest.  The minority group is Muslim who face all forms of discriminations and they protest and fight against injustices there.  Africa and South America have similar problems of wars supported and funded by the West without other ways of resolutions.  What are symbols, significance  and signs of human approach to so many aggressions planned by the West? Top World leaders and   many State leaders do not seem to move and direct the issues of control on the basis of humanity, sympathy, peace, judgments of consciences.  The wars and conflicts between India and Pakistan continue for century without any solutions. No rational and moral binding act for them who are motivated by regional and racial issues of arrogances. The first consideration on forces application, suppression and domination are apparent.  Death mills and butchers malls   are nurtured in those countries where every steps and actions are counted on foreign motivations and plans for wars have been clear. 

                In this Era , leaderships  in  many countries are made of forces , might, knavery, bullying and power of weapons. Polling or voting systems for being elected leaders are packs of lies.  No one cares about democratic systems and values.  Democracy is used for befooling innocent and common mass who are repetitively deceived by their leaders for not fulfilling their promises assured by them before being elected in the polls.  Recent examples are not fewer but many like Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Turkey, Philippine within last periods of 2000 to 2016.  Leaderships in countries do nor run on the basis of values or, light of knowledge but with visions of either extremism or imperialism or feminism or secularism which cannot ensure balances in rules for peace and stability in any regions.  Top leadership for UN has been shattered and mismanaged due to heavy involvements of biased roles of USA and policies of feminism imposed on and implemented in and around the nations. National and international relations have no internal coordination, adaptation, match, lacks of understanding demands, taking presumptive decisions, based on prejudiced values, and incompetent leaderships are all failed projects . Ultimate failures in leadership’s functions are apparent. A puppet leader is always elected on the basis of one / two nation’s whim.  Russian and Chinese leaders are very fair in their international functions. Russian President interfered in the Syrian wars extraoridinarily and he should be applauded and exalted for what he showed to the world.

President Putin  raised the voices for peace saving a nation from the wrath and greed of belligerent nations.  Putin is only one who stood beside Muslim country like Syria. Many other Muslim Leaders   appear to be western toadies and worshipers, timid, opportunists, selfish, and silly egoists .  In case of Bangladesh which is  a boneless treacherous nation  having a leader who have enormous help and supports from China  does not cooperate or respect its leader.  Bangladesh has all electronic and other sorts of items and products without which Bangladesh  is in dark  and cannot live a day. The western nations like USA or UK have no  concrete supports for Bangladesh  except imperial  consultancy on being dependent on them  and war or weapons  business.  

It is another note to be focused that many nations who follow educational systems differently but the marking in examinations vary extensively from country to country . Many Institutions in  countries  offer  sacks of marks which determine higher level grades like A, A+, B .   Some institutions in countries offer 45% marks for second class and 60% for the first class in Examinations which are conventional and strict ones. These are their trend and systems of own rules. The core problems are that when graduates go for further study or  jobs , candidates face enormous troubles to be accepted by the so called sages and erudite  who are  really pedants do not have enough knowledge to assess on candidates potentials . The justification for the first class is based on higher marks and the ways of marking systems are not considered by the employers or professors of 20th century marks factory. Those having 2 class with conventional systems and attitudes are deprived of the fair treatments a due to lack in real knowledge.  Many public universities specially in Asian countries demand 50% marks for doctoral study but they do not accept 45% candidates for admission. It seems that 5 % marks carry a huge difference between   wise men and fools if it is ranked. There is no scope for 2nd class holders who might be empirically skilled, greatly experienced who sometime could be able to teach the first class holders in many contexts. These issues of considerations are unknown to many employers or innovative professors of Mars.

 Now the world is in chaos, cries, laments, anxiety, wrath, tensions, fear and sigh of shock as  are those in pandemonium of Paradise Lost, Epic by written John Milton in sixteen Century.  Female leaderships in the western countries are inspired, built by feminism policies which are transferred onto other similar leaders in nations. They act only as symbols of leaders in other actions excepts nothing but doing or promoting feminism.  This modern trend to spread on societies as theory and practices are prone to devastations in various fair values or cultures.  Policies of feminism do not rely on a pure sense of philanthropy but basing on biased self satisfaction, self centred, hedonism, egoism, fantasists, sexism   and social decadences  are core  focused.   

Genuine learning and academic community in the past like 10th to 20th centuries was obsessed with developing a true world community. Their views or writings contained irrespective races , colour, and faiths which were real scholars.  The great writers in Britain like John Milton , Shakespeare , Jonathan Swift,  Keats, Byron, Tennyson, Coleridge,  Dryden  and many more helped  recognize Britain as a land of learning and wisdom but  it is a deplorable fact that those writers in  Britain are no more appreciated by the mass community because of their  messages for values or  norms went against the rise of  pioneering feminist rules and roles in the UK. Similarly many other scholars who are really dedicated to fair and right issues in countries where dictatorial and tyrant rulers prevail, ban on those sagacious writers.  It is obvious that rising talents are restrained by the iron rules of suppressions. The top best organization is Novel prize committee which is no more a symbol of authenticity, reputation and justice. It mostly in influenced by the super power States and their wish is the result of a winner or laureate.  Many instances have already flabbergasted the world community with their biased, whimsical and polarized decisions on bestowing this Prize on a person.  Many persons are killed or crippled for serving humanity, educational services and community services but no even press news coverage is managed and provided for honor . Those persons receive this prize play roles for promoting certain theory and the belief in being of superiority. Americanism or imperialism against communism or socialism aims to sell the  products of a brand  as hails  in the same roots.    

Religions in the nations like Christian, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism are major among others . Religions are paths of God as some religions are practiced by people.  The basic crisis of the  most wars or conflicts in the world  were originated in domination of respective religion or Faith.  People or leaders do not consider on values or ideals of religions but they again apply might to save or supports their faiths.  Weapons or arms are also vital resources of resolution. Many Leaders are not enlightened by the light of god.  Many wars between Israel and Palestine hinge on religious affiliations, Wars between India and Pakistan grew in being two opposite faith groups.  The wars between Islam and Christianity indirectly run on the basis of  propagandas  of  ISIS , Bin Laden, Boko Haram, Al Kaida, Al Shaba,  and many more pseudo  names  which are used by the rivals to cause wars.  Extremism or fanatics in religions are present that is true but using might or power or weapons to eliminate them are irrational, illogical and vicious intentions.  The funds spent on wars to reform those regimes of extremism, half of the funds will not be spent if learning projects or other means used for changes.  The UN projects or assignments need huge costs to implement the actions. UN wings do not consider on very human ways for solutions or changes. UN is at the hands of US or UK  means the same root of motivation for wars  is anticipated to wage wars. It is a puppet Union which can do nothing to tackle any conflicts in the world.  It is anticipate that an alternative UN or similar tie can be form to fight the present foe.  The real values in religions and their lessons are not promoted in fair and right ways by many preachers or saints, though some are rare . A true sense of fraternity and humanity can quell the tensions of mental forms of aggressions, grudge, hatred and destruction. Most wars in the present era   are revolved around Islam and its followers. The growing trend on its acts which are blends of fair and unfair manners bother other racial leaders. The modern ways of practicing a faith is not well organized in accordance with the standards of cultures in different regions.

As a result, controversy over the shared  rules, laws, and codes of life are  not settled by the religious leaders of a particular faith.  Islam is ultimately pushed forward to confront with varied classes of society.  Arab leaders are divided by the West on issues of Shiite and Sunny, dictatorship of Saddam and weapon of mass destruction, setting some one on invading on other nations , affiliation of the west to a nation or more nations facilitate the conflicts in the regions. Those who have no tolerance for a faith practice react to other existence in places.  Core knowledge, and learning are seriously lacking in many religious leaders too who in many ways fail to convince the leaders of  nations of the apparent messages and their objectives to  be followed. Extremism or bigotry are forms of barren knowledge in either faiths.  Lack of balances between the concepts of the faiths creates gulfs which invite all confusion, delusion and illusion in the minds of followers.  Finally conflicts and adverse relations among the communities lead to crude confrontation of fights or bloodsheds. Extremists groups in main stream religious groups are  Jamate  Islam in Bangladesh, Siv Seena, in India, Salvation Army in the UK, and many more in the Middle east.   Pope visited Poland on 30th July 2016 to address the Youth day in the wake of serial attacks by young men in Europe. He did not awake before to identify any problems related to young community or Muslim in countries.  Those religious  leaders  are partial political and racial representatives are  not very much lighted by the bliss of God  cornered by the general mass in the respective countries.

CIA , RAW,  MI5 but Central Intelligence Agency in USA plays vital and crucial roles in international politics and policies.  CIA remains as  a phantom in the minds of people. It is out of sight but the shadow penetrates into the darkest bottom of the State and other politics.  CIA in connection with so many other groups of Intelligence around the globe plans on new plots. The roles of this organization are beyond grasp, they play double or triple roles to reach the targets.  Many puny States are under its grip and compel them to move as its will.  Mercenaries are hired to fire at anywhere they feel fit. Local agents , missionaries, forces, spy are used by this agency to escalate the tension and  propaganda rumors  as Bin Laden attack, ISIL attack, others forces attack are published widely .  The lessons made by this agency are followed widely by other similar agencies in many countries.  Weapons are always valued and counted above other senses and thought because people do not heed to any words of learning but casualties often mark some importance in society.   Suicide bombers are forced to wear the jackets with bombs or carry the weapons or bombs to explode in public places. The practice or ruse of such suicidal attacks becomes very regular phenomenon in recent times of aggression on the countries. This situations plots perpetrated by Intelligence community is not unknown in developing countries like Bangladesh, India and Pakistan where suspects are arrested or nabbed based on finding some arms with them in their possessions but those arms or drugs materials are normally placed by the forces in a swift step in the suspect’s  possession and offer media coverage that shows the arms are held by the suspects who are blamed or made escape goats.  So human minimum quality and sympathy in those power thirsty leaders and officers are not present.

The media roles and functions in the present time are very crucial and imbalanced.  They worship the mightier rulers who have power and riches and   favor them providing with many supportive news or reports which damage the opposite forces without delay.  Though medias deal with knowledge and society directly, they do not focus on delicate uses of knowledge  or values. They are polarized, being affiliated to a certain groups, gender , race or  faith.  Medias  distort  and deform massages , news, and images in real scenario .   Western Medias cover news in wars torn areas where deadly bombs or  mass killing took places many times, they showed the bombardments of which images and bombers were mentioned but there was no  any proof or evidence that might prove who bombed or attacked the targets , though they said Syrian govt or Russia did the acts without concrete supports of evidence only depending on assumptions and prejudices against a party was named in medias. Syrian government was stable and people were happy, though a minority class was complaining against Asad regime which suppressed them. Those minority as rivals took all supports , funds, arms and intelligences from  USA, UK and other allies to topple Asad. Only Russia and Iran with China second Asad to stay in power and fought .  

Medias did not disclose any relations of the NATO Allies with the rivals groups who deliberately destroyed the civilized nation like Syria.  Medias like CNN / BBC do not show any damages caused by the rival moderate groups supported, and funded by the USA, UK, and France but they present some disturbing images of some people who are injured by Asad  Forces and Russian attacks. On 28/07/2016 a doctor of USA stated that thousands are killed in Aleppo, Syria by Asad Forces , he came back from the region after serving or spying is not clear though. The western Medias are directly involved in hiding or distorting the messages or images in the wars.    In July 2016 ,  a Pakistani   woman  was killed  by her relative or  someone based on issue  of social decadence or  illicit affairs /adultery . The British Prime Minister T May focused on a trivial worry shown by BBC that the killing women to be stopped or consequences await. Many Medias are basically womanizers who adore feminists and cover news for women more than normally for men do.   It is surprising that being a leader of the UK she should express some solidarity with those killed in Middle East or other places but nothing for millions of dead people were expressed while a single woman was her favorite one is mystic.  Many thousands of incidents in diverse perspectives happed around the globe where their roles as pro imperialist or ruling class agents are explicitly channeled.  Mystic roles of suicide bombers, motivators and directors of all those incidents in parts remain polemic.  Medias comprehend and unearth real stories but slide away from the truths because those facts are related to their near ones. Enormous reports regarding wars and killings, tortures in the Middle East are not shown to the world mass class and only one sided biased to the Western leaders supportive coverage of news or documentaries are presented.  Medias like BBC, CNN , Al Jazeera and many presses  around the globe run on the same charter.  BBC ,CCN and Protham Alo ( a press )  in Bangladesh spared no pains to elect Hillary in America has been futile. These two and many more feminist’s  fanatics do not care about any truth of nature or rationality.    Many other national levels medias work as tails of the top class and  follow them accordingly. CCTV and Indian TV - NDTV are some ways fair in Asian countries.  Ultimately influences of those mighty rulers affect the most rules and roles of Media’s world.   This is the world of modern civilization with the utmost success in the most fields of knowledge of commerce and sciences.   Papers or Medias are no more work for common human society , they are polarized and cornered serve their affiliates’ interests.

Courts and laws are ancient places of knowledge and  fair judgments . The judgments systems, policies and rules in these days are quite different than those days in earlier centuries.  The reasons for being so unfair are enormous.  The roots of flaws and frailty in this practice lie in the basic quality presences of human society. The basic qualities like integrity, conscientiousness, sense of humanity, equality of rights ,  empathy,  rationality and reasoning faculty are  dead in those professionals. They are again motivated and driven by the prospects of power, position, riches, being under the spell of spurious leaders who instigate them to follow their orders.  The courts or judges who are executives in courts decide on cases under political and gender bias and belief.  Lawyers who   can change the map of Earth for their clients  sake  who normally continue to pay them years after years.   Nothing is moved and done by the sense of wisdom or knowledge which might oblige them establishes fair systems of laws and rules and liberates the hapless from the tyranny of the mighty ones.  Looking around the globe , justice systems in courts are utterly collapsed and sunk into  perditions. Though some practices in the developed countries seem to be better than those in the third world countries . In India , African countries and Bangladesh  lodging case against a person based on female case or political one is   a matter of  delight and easy task. The police or judge encourages cases which are  major sources of earning.  80% cases are falsified , forged and ill motivated which have no real bases  for serious crime  complaint. Police or Lawyers help those are interested in case or suing which  is refined, reformed, enhanced, and added  by the police to victimize the suspect/ convict.  If women sue men or boys, they do not need to pay any fees in time while men want sue  women , police do not accept the case normally without huge bribes.  Besides hundreds of renditions centres around the world in many countries run by the Western nations have no any legal supports and endorsements. These centres are places of torture cells, many without clues are perished there.   So injustice, tyranny, and suppression are basically perpetrated by the places of Justice and Law .

Economical perspectives in the world is another major issue that is deeply rooted motive for the most crisis happening all around.  IMF with other organizations of regional co operations bodies do not contribute to the third world countries based on priority crisis. Economical objectives for world leaders are prime concerns. They help those in developing countries who  are extremely corrupt and misuse the funds.  Motives for economical gains in major projects and establishments lead to the prospects for domination tendency aspired by the Western Leaders who try to offer help for economics but under many conditions and terms which chain and bind the weaker States which automatically walk under bondage and command.  As a result the donors States take opportunity for all abuses and misuses of rights, fair deal and  utility.  Occupying many lands, regions or resources of other owners highlight the r economical boost up and beefing up the forces for fights clarify internal drives of greed of those behind the

most wars.



The issues in the topic  are addressed and clarified thoroughly and the pursuit for facts are tracked down.   It  has been  tried to follow some specific criteria of this study which are indicated below.  The information identify several types of research approach and strategies which are main to be traced down.  The research approach shows a few issues including inductive or deductive, qualitative be chosen for this research based on the selection of the topic. The research strategies are followed as survey, case studies, explanatory, exploratory , longitudinal,  cross sectional, descriptive are mainly followed accordingly.  There are some research variables or parameters have been identified at some stages . The variables such as independent and dependent variables are important to clarify the sampling results. These variables are also very serious to understand all the interrelated overlapping. Some other issues in variables like extraneous, control, confounded theory, hypothesis and experimental hypothesis testing variables are slightly followed..  The research design and process are followed in the phase.  Literature sources and review are other parts have taken place and  major study  are focused on here.  The research design indicates all other requirements such as data collection, and analysis. Data interpretation has been done in  the final  stages where finding of the research  become clear and presented . However, there is another issue that is research ethics are maintained thoroughly while conducting the study.



The weapon is mightier than wisdom  is the topic of this writing has many overlapping issues and contexts referred to the  phases of different parts of this piece.  The relevancies of  incidents mentioned in the writing  are not avoidable .  The dominating parts of the theme  are wars , conflicts and discriminations factors . Local happenings in Bangladesh have enriched the  basic situations of the country and it focused on how unexpected might of rogues were used for cleansing the opposition  to  the ruling party . The same fact in larger scales is apparent in the international perspectives of wars, injustices and tyranny .  The graphic scenario in real scenes of wars in different parts of the world  is not exaggerated  but shown in lesser extent.  Some emotional forces are  not controlled to express the linguistic expressions including rustic, vulgar , lewd and harsh lexical items employed in certain circumstances to fully mean the significance of happenings.  Issues of critical approach to this writing are very consistent and logical. The focus on materials and mighty sides of the groups of  people evince strong inclinations for transient conquest over the showy  knowledge and powers.  Allegorical or metaphysical extracts or statements are also exerted.  However the core purpose of the writing is to present the real problems which are not overtly evinced by many other writers  have been clarified in the writing.



It is the last phase of the writing weapon is mightier than wisdom which has covered  many overlapping areas of contexts .  The issues mainly have focused on marco levels including national and international defenses policies, social perspectives like human rights, family issues, gender orientation, educational systems, legal practices, administrative and forces roles , economical domination, media and cultural impact,  and  leadership approach. The present contexts of wars, conflicts, violence, suppression, oppressions and injustice are common scenarios are proved by considering on world wide . It has been seen that many world leaders who are solely motivated by the power and domination roles has become clarified. Major coverage over the tendency on beefing up national strength in weapons without requirements are exemplified in the writing. Unreasonable aggressions by some rogue States have been pointed out with indications.   Some empirical and micro levels issues have been extracted in the writing of various parts. Educational and learning community is degraded, demeaned, dwarfed, diminished and deluded by the State run agencies and forces. The present situations in many countries where discriminations and injustice are magical rules of the rulers   for the subjects are practiced on and on.  The first world countries which are few in numbers are judged on the basis of their international interventions in many issues which are sensitive in terms of emotional and human supports and other lame excuses.  






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