Yassine  Benhadj*1 , Mohammed El Messaoudi , Abdelhamid³  NFISSI



1 Sidi  Mohamed  Ben  Abdellah University , Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences Fes – Sais, 30000, Morocco.Email:

2 Moulay Ismail University, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences Meknes, Morocco.

³Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University , Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences
Fes –Sais, Morocco.








Integration; Technological; Resources; Classroom;


By large, recent evidence suggests that modern technologies, and their extensions, have found their way  to the heart of people from all walks of life  around the globe. Being all the rage now, the widespread, and even rampant at times, use of Information Communication Technologies have changed the face of countless domains. The purpose of this paper is to review recent research on the necessary characteristics that facilitate integrating technology resources in their classrooms as a meaningful pedagogical tool and purports the demand to inculcate a technology-friendly organizational culture in schools worldwide



 Publisher All rights reserved.





Undoubtdly, modern technologies have amazingly succeeded in  invading  every nook and cranny of our daily life. Being all the rage now, the widespread, and even rampant at times, use of Information Communication Technologies have changed the face of countless domains. They, absolutely, have broken the mould of education, pushing the teaching-learning process to the next level. Notwithstanding, research has consistently shown that technology is still underused in the field of education.  A set of characteristics, in a sense, or factors in another sense, organized around the nature of the school organizational culture, multimedia culture at schools, teacher’s personality, self-esteem, self-concept, computer self-ecacy, attitudes, teachers’ prior experience, teacher training needs, and teacher efficacy in relation to target  disciplines, are often cited, on the current literature, as the main variables that affect the route and rate of modern technologies integration in education.  The purpose of this paper is to review recent research on the necessary characteristics that enable teachers to integrate technology resources in their classrooms as a meaningful pedagogical tool.



In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the introduction of modern technologies into numerous schools across the globe. With a view to getting teachers incorporate modern technologies such as computers, internet, multimedia, and communication technologies in daily practice, schools have has been investing a lot of efforts and money. Indisputably, integrating technology into instruction guarantees the implementation of high-quality instruction and the the quick responsiveness to  emerging issues in education. Although various technologies have been used so widely in many fields, the main concern remains how to incorporate modern technologies successfully in classrooms. Thus, countless are the studies conducted in a way or another to prove that education systems drive development and financial growth of countries.  Joining the debate, Schultz (1981) argues that the most important funds of a country are the individuals in that country.  With reference to Hackbarth (1996),  the technologies that are designed for instructional purposes often whet students’  learning in many ways. They encourage them to study, they help connect the new information    with the old knowledge, they associate the lesson subject with the real-life experiences of the student, they allow students to reach and evaluate the necessary information, they meet the expectations and needs of the society, they help students describe the world in the way they observe, they help summarize the information to facilitate comprehension, and they increase individual learning.

In his book, The educational technology handbook: a comprehensive guide: process and products for learning, Hackbarth concluded that it is mandatory  to give support to technology use at schools, and  initiate information technology laboratories, reminding us that devices such as projectors and smart whiteboards if are well placed in classrooms, they will make wonders.  In line with hackbarth, “schools successful in integrating technology into their curricula generally work on comprehensive plans for technology use”, Ritcchie (2002). He concludes that rather than acting just as a road map, these plans explain the philosophy of technology use as well as the way of developing teaching-learning activities.



A number of Studies (Chen & Chang, 2006; Dexter & Riedel, 2003; O„Connor, Higgins, & Russell, 2003; Simmons, 2011) have found that technology use at schools has not yet gained its expected potential to develop students’ knowledge and skills.  Russel, Bebel, O‟Dwyer and O‟Conner (2003), in their study, came to the conclusion that teachers use technology mostly in the phase of preparation for lessons.   However, one striking point in American schools is the employment of technology experts in schools to support teachers during  the phase of technology application. They have  argued that teachers need these technology experts, who are representatives of change in American public schools, in classroom practice. However, technology experts are not always available for help when needed (Simmons, 2011; Ausband, 2006; Chen & Chang, 2006; Johnson, 2006;  Ma, Andersson & Streith, 2005; Dexter & Riedel, 2003) [6].  .



Recent studies have   unraveled some of the mysteries surrounding the integration of ICT in education, namely teachers’ attitudes towards modern technologies. Recent developments in the field have confirmed that   teachers’ attitudes impact the use or misuse, or underuse of these technologies at schools.  Interestingly, a large and growing body of literature has put forward that certain individual factors related to   the teacher’s personality .  A number of authors (Benson, 2004; Hsioung, 2002; Roussos, 2002) have found characteristics such as computer self-ecacy, self-concept, motivation, needs, etc., appear to determine the extent to which modern technologies  are integrated or not in educational practice. Arguably, previous research (Compeau  & Higgins,  1995; Khorrami-Arani, 2001) has reported that attitudes  towards  information technology are interrelated with  computer  self-ecacy since they are deemed to be a significant factor in the interpretation of the frequency  and  success with which individuals  use computers.




Several studies (Bandura, 1997; Hoy  & Miskel, 2001) have attempted to define self-efficacy. According to these studies,  self-ecacy is defined as the personal  judgement  about  one’s capability  to adopt  certain  behaviours  and actions  in order  to  accomplish  certain  objectives  and  expected  outcomes.   Koliadis  (1997) asserts that the degree of self-ecacy which individuals  assign to themselves constitutes  a valid predictor  of the expected  behaviour  that  the individuals  will demonstrate in performing  a task.  In turn, Compeau and Higgins (1995) defined computer self-ecacy as ‘‘judgment of one’s capability to use a computer’’.  It is fair to say that recent research draws our attention that computer self-ecacy is conditional on a strong sense of self-ecacy. Swimming in the same lake, Karsten  & Roth,  (1998) hold that a strong sense of self-ecacy enriches human achievement and personal life in many ways.  In their major study,  Looney, Valacich, and Akbulut  (2004) noted that general self-ecacy reflects considerable positive influence regarding computer  self-ecacy.   Undoubtedly, teachers  with a greater  sense of computer  self-ecacy tend  to  prefer  technologies  based  on  the  worldwide  web as a  vehicle for  instruction delivery, whereas  teachers   with  lower  computer   self-ecacy  prefer  more  traditional  methods   such  as  chalk & talk,  or traditional lectures. Research  shows that  computer  self-ecacy influences expectations  (Compeau  & Higgins, 1995) and emotional reactions regarding the eective use of modern technologies (Looney et al., 2004). The bottom line is that teachers who do not deem  themselves as proficient  computer  users are less likely to use them in class practice. Ashton  & Webb (1986) corroborates that  beliefs regarding  teacher  self-ecacy are interconnected  to teaching practices.  It necessarily follows that if, and only if, teachers are to integrate  technology into their teaching practice,  they have to conceive   themselves to be self-ecacious at its use (Ropp,  1999). Albion  (1999) holds the view that a positive attitude  towards  computers  and a strong  sense of computer  self-ecacy are basic preconditions for positive self-ecacy in computer-aided teaching.  According to recent reports by numerous scholars (Pajares & Schunk, 2001; Sommerfelf & Watson,  2000), evidence tells that self-ecacy is tied with  achievement in different pedagogical settings.




 Deemed as a critical factor,  Self-esteem refers to how much a person “values, approves of, appreciates, prizes, or likes him or herself” (Blascovich & Tomaka, 1991).  Baya’a & Daher (2013) have reported that  teachers' feelings of self-esteem and control in the existence of ICT increase their Motivation to actually integrate ICT in their classroom teaching activities. Similarly,  (Fransson, Holmberg, Lindberg, & Olofsson, 2019) assured that teachers with a high self-esteem are more likely to demonstrate a higher inclination towards developing  digital skills to sophisticatedly reshape their teaching and learning practices and to incorporate digital technologies in their working environment. More importantly, out of conviction that digital industry constantly changes they, most of  the time,  feel the need to work  harder to continuesly and fluidly adjust to the technological developments, and correspondingly retain their self-esteem and self-image.




The  link   between  self-concept  and  achievement  in education  is very idiosyncratic in nature. In this respect, Huitt  (1998)  reminds us that the more  global  the self-concept  under  examination is, the less it correlates with achievement  in a specific domain.  Reaching the same results, Skaalvik (2003) reports that ‘‘generalized self-concept diminishes the ability to explain behavior,  but we must examine self-concept as a more multidimensional  concept  in specific domains’’. In line with this, Marsh  (Pajares  & Schunk,  2001) warned  that: ‘‘research clearly proves  that  self-concept  and  its relationship with  other  variables  cannot  be suciently  understood if we ignore its multidimensional domain-specific  nature’’.  As a concluding remark, it is not surprising to say that  self-concept is related  to background, previous experience and  impacted  by teachers’ perception  and school situation.  In essence,  self-concept mirrors years of experience and self-evaluation  by reflected appraisals  of significant others,  via realistic expectations  in the behaviour  or  academic  capabilities.  In a nutshell, the  scrutinizing self-concept  components  in specific domains  regarding teachers’ academic  role is a crucial factor  in order  to integrate  modern  technologies as pedagogical tool in assorted  educational  practices.



A key characteristic that can influence an individual’s computer self-ecacy is prior experience in their use. Ropp ( 1999) confirms that  prior experience is interpreted according to the amount  of time an individual  has spent working with computers and the dierent applications they have learnt to use. It has been suggested that teachers’ emotional  attitudes  to technology determine the workload nature and the time scope regarding computer use in class.    Indeed, teachers’ prior  experience in the use of technology  influences their view of their own ecacy, that  is their self-ecacy. Hsioung  (2002) notes that this experience in turn  greatly aects teachers’ self-confidence concerning  the integration of technology in the teaching process. Holding the same view,   Slough and Chamblee report that teachers with positive  prior  experience  in the  use of  technology  as  an  aid  to  teaching  tend  to  use it  in the  classroom (Hsioung,  2002). In  a  report  by  Software  and  Information Industry   Association  (2000), which  sums  up research  into  educational  technology  over the last 20 years, it is explicitly stated   that  teachers  are more eective after receiving extensive training  for integrating  technology  into the school curriculum.  In the same publication, it is also reported  that  teachers who have successfully used communication technologies  such as e-mail, newsgroups and mailing lists in order to exchange ideas on educational matters,  demonstrate greater progress in self-ecacy and  confidence  in their  teaching  abilities compared  to teachers  lacking access to such tools. A major study by Gist, Schwoerer, & Rosen (1989) voiced out the benefits of educational tutorials constitute a significant means for the increase of computer self-ecacy. Providing further evidence, a recent study conducted  by Wallace (1999 quoted  in Khor- rami-Arani, 2001) on education  and computer  students (subject-specific), investigated the correlation between the computer  self-ecacy of a 3-item measure (basic, advanced skills and file-software) with main factors such as computer  anxiety, computer  confidence and computer  knowledge, in order to describe the influence and the development  of computer  self-ecacy. Interestingly, comparisons affirmed   that  computer  students  expressed low levels of computer  anxiety, and higher levels of computer  knowledge and computer  confidence in comparison  with those who have less contact with compter technologies  (Khorrami-Arani, 2001).




How to integrate technology in education has been a constant worry for schools around the globe. Based on evidence from an avalanche of studies, to guarantee successful ICT integration in teaching practice, schools should carefully consider the aforementioned characteristics. Teacher training in technology as an educational tool should be the starting point. This very first step is said to be empowering enough.  It disruptively changes teachers’ attitudes pendulum in favour of modern technologies incorporation and raises teachers’ confidence towards technology use as well. Teacher training in education provides them with the necessary skills that  they need to  upgrade most of , if not all,   their  current  teaching  practices.  As stated before, teachers’ prior experience with modern technologies   facilitates incorporating these technologies in future teaching-learning experiences.  Revolving in the same orbit, teachers need to have specific subject needs during their technology   learning/training. By the same token, the curriculum should stress the importance of technological practices. Teachers  should   grow on the job, updating the  previously   gained  skills  (prior   experience),  so that they would teach their students the way they want to learn.






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