
  • Muttaki Bin Kamal University of South Florida


This paper poses a critical discussion on the typology of Poachers in Bangladesh on the basis of different social contexts and realities. It raises a question about the role of Wildlife Act 2012 on conservation of wildlife and ensuring social justice to the sects of the population who has a symbiotic lifestyle with the nature. Also, the background of poaching in different areas, social, economic condition and political affiliation of poachers of different type is discussed.

Author Biography

Muttaki Bin Kamal, University of South Florida

University of South Florida


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How to Cite

Kamal, M. B. (2019). TYPOLOGY OF POACHERS IN BANGLADESH FROM SOCIAL CONTEXT. Journal of Asian and African Social Science and Humanities, 5(1), 61–79. Retrieved from https://www.aarcentre.com/ojs3/index.php/jaash/article/view/158


