Guardianship is the process by which a court delegates the right to make those decisions to a substitute decision maker. The aim of this study is to review the laws, legal practices and court procedures currently followed in Bangladesh in cases relating to  guardianship. With particular focus on the issue of guardianship of children and mothers’ right as guardian, the aim of this study is to review the applicable laws, mechanisms, and procedural reforms. This article also attempts to deliberate on the guardianship of person and property of a minor in Family laws and Statutory laws of Bangladesh with special focus on mothers right as a guardian. For family laws the article refers to the Muslim laws, Hindu laws and Christian laws. A thorough analysis of family laws, statutory laws and trends of court in these regard is carried out. Effort is made to bring out similarities, differences and developments in child custody laws of Bangladesh .In the end it is suggested that laws can be amended for the greater interests of minor and protecting mother’s right of guardianship.
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